Medical-Legal Partnerships for Children
Medical-Legal Partnerships for Children (MLPC) are effective collaborations among health care providers and legal aid to improve the health and well-being of children. Together the medical and legal professions can help children improve all aspects of their lives. Advocates for Basic Legal Equality (ABLE) leads two Medical-Legal Partnerships for Children.
Toledo Area
In Toledo, ABLE partners with ProMedica Toledo Children's Hospital, Mercy Children's Hospital, Rocket Pediatrics/UT Health, and Legal Aid of Western Ohio, Inc. (LAWO).
For more information on the work and accomplishments of the Toledo MLPC, visit
Dayton Area
In the Dayton area, ABLE partners with the Dayton Children's Hospital, Five Rivers Health Centers, Community Health Centers of Greater Dayton (CHCGD), and LAWO.
For more information on the work and accomplishments of the Miami Valley Medical-Legal Partnership, visit