Reintroduced earlier this summer in the Ohio legislature, House Bill 206 proposes to change the rules about expelling students from school, allowing long – potentially unending – deprivations of learning. ABLE has joined other advocacy and civil rights groups opposing HB 206.
News & Resources

AIC Special Report: Beyond a Border Solution, How to Build a Humanitarian Protection System That Won't Break
The American Immigration Council (AIC) recently published 13 concrete recommendations for solving the long-term problems in the U.S. immigration system. Read the report here.

Improving Infant and Maternal Health Outcomes in Ohio Through Targeted Interventions: ABLE Testifies in Support of HB 7
On Tuesday, May 2, ABLE Child Advocate Jennifer Behnfeldt joined with fellow advocates and community members in sharing testimony in the House Families and Aging Committee in support of HB 7. If passed by the Ohio Legislature, the bill would invest $63 million toward providing much-needed support for growing families throughout the state.

Title 42 Lifts and a New Rule is Implemented: Did Agencies Engage in Meaningful Procedures or Steamroll Ahead While Ignoring Public Input?
With Title 42 recently lifted, immigrants face even steeper barriers to seeking asylum in the U.S. The barriers are being implemented by a new rule that was released on May 10 in an almost-500-page document. ABLE and other immigrant rights organizations opposed this new rule for several reasons, including conditioning asylum on manner of entry, the further marginalization of already marginalized populations, and the increased risk for immigrants waiting at the border.

ABLE Ombudsman Program Seeks Additional Volunteers
Individuals ages 18 and older looking to make a difference in the lives of residents living in nursing homes, assisted living homes, and group homes can become Certified Ombudsman Associates in ABLE's Regional Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program.

SUCCESS Program Addresses Family Legal and Social Challenges to Improve School Attendance
In a partnership with Clark County Juvenile Court and Springfield City Schools, ABLE is assisting chronically absent kids and their families through an innovative initiative called the SUCCESS Program.