Advocates for Basic Legal Equality, Inc. (ABLE) is a non-profit regional law firm that provides high quality legal assistance in civil matters to help eligible low-income individuals and groups in western Ohio achieve self reliance, and equal justice and economic opportunity.
Fighting with Janice in a battle against abuse and financial exploitation

Janice was living at a senior facility when staff there reached out to the Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program to discuss Janice’s possible financial exploitation by her daughter. The facility was concerned that Janice’s daughter was using Janice’s money and property inappropriately and that the daughter was threatening Janice.
It was discovered that Janice had signed over her property and home and that her daughter was using Janice's funds. The daughter had threatened to burn Janice’s home and belongings. Janice also divulged a history of past physical abuse. The daughter also was revealed to be Janice's Power of Attorney, and although Janice did not have a memory of signing the document, the existence of it prevented more trusted family members from getting information shared with them about Janice’s condition.
Janice told her sister she wanted to change her Power of Attorney to her sister but was subsequently hospitalized. The alleged abuser was then able to move Janice from hospital to hospital and make medical decisions while Janice was incapacitated because of her illness. The ombudsman followed up as Janice recovered and provided Janice and her sister with the resources to change the Power of Attorney and contact information for legal assistance.
Janice changed her Power of Attorney with the ombudsman’s help and is now on the recovery with legal assistance to help to address her misappropriation and exploitation.
*This client’s name was changed to protect her privacy.