Advocates for Basic Legal Equality, Inc. (ABLE) is a non-profit regional law firm that provides high quality legal assistance in civil matters to help eligible low-income individuals and groups in western Ohio achieve self reliance, and equal justice and economic opportunity.
Students living in poverty need their school records so they can succeed in new schools.

ABLE represents parents and children living in poverty in their quest for special education services so that children can learn in school. Due to housing and economic instability, they move more often than most. When they do, they need their school records to establish their request for special education services in their new school. Without the records, they can't. When the Primary and Secondary Education Committee of the Ohio House was considering a bill that would require schools to transfer student records on a timely basis, we knew we could give voice to our clients' struggles to maintain consistency when forced to move.
On November 11, 2019, ABLE attorney Taylor Burns offered proponent testimony before the House Primary & Secondary Education Committee on House Bill 111.
UPDATE: On December 8, 2020, ABLE Managing Attorney Renee Murphy testified at the Committee's Second Hearing. You may read her testimony here.