Advocates for Basic Legal Equality, Inc. (ABLE) is a non-profit regional law firm that provides high quality legal assistance in civil matters to help eligible low-income individuals and groups in western Ohio achieve self reliance, and equal justice and economic opportunity.

Everyone needs to feel safe in their homes and as they drive their children to school, travel to work, and run errands. Unfortunately, not everyone feels safe because of increased immigration enforcement in daily life, law enforcement stops and searches, or because of anxiety about their pending immigration status.
But we all have the right to be free from unreasonable stops and searches, and racial and ethnic profiling. ABLE stands with you in protecting those rights and building welcoming communities. We celebrate immigrants’ contributions to our communities and Ohio’s economy.
Constitutional rights apply to everyone in the U.S. It doesn’t matter who controls the branches of government, who enforces immigration policies, or whether the immigration courts are functioning as they should - You have rights protected by law.
To help you know your rights and protect yourself and your family, ABLE produced KNOW YOUR RIGHTS videos. We thank the Ohio State Bar Foundation, the Ohio Supreme Court Civil Justice Program Fund, Four Freedoms Fund of NEO Philanthropy, and the Ohio Access to Justice Foundation for financial support and our hard-working advocates for their work on this project!
We created two types of videos:
· Know Your Rights and Family Preparedness
· Individual Lessons
o Lesson 1 – Prepare Your Family’s Plan
o Lesson 2 – Your Rights Inside Your Home
o Lesson 3 – Your Rights Outside Your Home
All the videos are available in three languages: Spanish, English, Arabic
Below are sample videos. For all of the videos and languages, click here.